Fitness Basics

Barre Workout Basics | Barre Bootcamp

May 23, 2020 Gary Curran 0

Barre is one of the most popular fitness classes. It’s great to lift the booty plus it helps tone and tighten legs! I’m share some of my favorite barre exercises that … source Fitness Basics


Testosterone Replacement Therapy

May 22, 2020 Gary Curran 0

  Check This Out Now!  Testosterone is considered the major male hormone although it is produced in small quantities in women as well. Testosterone is made in men by the testicles and is necessary for […]


Why is walking not considered exercising?

May 21, 2020 Gary Curran 0

Gary Curran, Gary Curran Fitness Guru Updated April 4, 2020 · Author has 314 answers and 81.3K answer views Why is walking not considered exercising? Most people walk at around 1 to 2 miles per hr.This is very slow movement of your legs […]