How Important Is Physical Fitness Part 2 Of 5

Gold Card Fitness Q & A

 By Gary Curran Fitness Guru 

Gold Card Fitness Building Your Dream Body.

Gary Curran, former Writer WorkOut UK Former Owner Of Six Gyms (1999-2008)

Answered 1st  February 2024

Try working out With A Friend Or Participate In A Team Sport.  Chances are if you join your friend’s softball team or start jogging with your best friend, it won’t feel like you are working out and the benefit will be enormous.

Play With Your Kids Or Take Your Dog For A Walk. When you get home from work, take 30 minutes to play with your kids outside or take the dog for a nice long walk. This helps you and your family stay active. Don’t have a dog or kids No problem you can walk alone!.

Start Going To A Gym. You can do it. Join a gym and start out slow. Make a plan to work out every other day for 30 minutes at a time, then slowly increase this to one hour.

 Do any of the above, and in no time you will loosen up your muscles and begin to see results.

Part 3 to follow:

Check out my Book: Muscle Techniques.The Power To Change Your Physique.

For more information about Home Workouts,Training Without Weights, Diet’s and Changing YOUR Physique…… Check out Gary’s book above.

Good Training


About Gary Curran 1372 Articles
Bodybuilding and Fitness Guru Former Owner Of 6 Gyms .. Writer On Fitness