Naukasana | Boat Yoga Pose | Steps | Benefits | Yogic Fitness
Steps: Naukasana (Boat Yoga Pose) has been named after the shape of a boat. Lie on your back with your feet together and arms beside your body. Lift your … source Fitness Benefits
Steps: Naukasana (Boat Yoga Pose) has been named after the shape of a boat. Lie on your back with your feet together and arms beside your body. Lift your … source Fitness Benefits
For Urdhva Dhanurasana – Wheel Pose, lie on your back, bend the knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Bend your elbows and place your arms beside … source Fitness Benefits
Padmasana – Lotus Pose is a sitting cross-legged yoga posture done keeping the spine erect with neck and shoulders relaxed. Here, feet are placed on … source Fitness Benefits
Subscribe Now: Watch More: Leg extensions are … source Fitness Benefits
Matsyasana (Fish Pose) is done lying on the back. The posture resembles the floating pose as the lower part of the body is in the lotus position. Matsyasana is … source Fitness Benefits
Benefits of Chest Workout | Body Building | Fitness guruji. source Fitness Benefits
Walking” should be a walk in the park. But it rarely is! Zilaxo presents the 5 common mistakes that people make while walking and the tips to avoid them. source Fitness Benefits
FitSugarTV: Facebook: Twitter: Forever gorgeous, the busy Cindy Crawford always … source Fitness Benefits
What’s going on everyone. Thank you for stopping by and watching my NEW video. Thank you for supporting me and motivating me to keep going. Enjoy the … source Fitness Benefits
Hello friend in this video I will tell you about Vitamin E what it benefits side effect doses in bodybuilding and fitness you will get vitamin E in also natural foods like … source Fitness […]