What Is The Best Food For A Diet And Going To The Gym?

Gary Curran Fitness Guru www.goldcardfitness.com

Updated Mar 2, 2023

Some of the best bodybuilders use the following diets. Here we go. Start your day with oats and yogurt for complex carbs and protein. Lunch / Chickpeas with pasta.

Prepare the chickpeas in advance by boiling or steaming, add a little salt. strain rinse and mix with a little chopped raw onion, mix in some pasta or basmati rice . Keep 4 or 5 days supply in the fridge providing 25 grams of pure protein per 100 grams , plus complex carbs for lots of energy from the pasta or rice.

Tuna is also a great protein supplier . Add a can to pasta or rice for 25 grams of protein once or twice daily. Lean Chicken Turkey are also great, plus All fish.

Backed beans Lentils cottage cheese are all high in protein. Make some snacks for those moments of need all day, and keep them in readiness in your fridge . Mix in pasta or rice to any of above for high protein and complex carbs.

Take 2 Animal Pak’s daily for a major dose of vitamins minerals amino acids and antioxidants to quickly repair your muscles after intense workouts.

Stick to the above, and you will attain a muscular toned body.

Good Training.


About Gary Curran 1372 Articles
Bodybuilding and Fitness Guru Former Owner Of 6 Gyms .. Writer On Fitness