How often should I workout or lift weights ?


By Gary Curran Fitness Guru

Updated March 7, 2023

A straight answer… 3 to 4 days weekly is sufficient, as you need good rest periods between muscle group days.

I tend to go for this method, and I get great results, nothing gained from overworking the muscles. Morning and afternoon are best times for training, as you will gradually get tired the closer to sleep time.. This is of course ,the time you grow. So do not burn your muscles out by overworking them, take it more easy, and do a good workout 3 or 4 days .

After that, you also need to feed those hungry sods, so lots of protein just after working out, and two Animal pak’s daily..

That’s it friend.. No magic about building a great body.

Check out my Book….

Good training


About Gary Curran 1372 Articles
Bodybuilding and Fitness Guru Former Owner Of 6 Gyms .. Writer On Fitness