How Will Running And Weight Lifting In The Same Day Affect My Muscle Growth And Weight Loss?

 By Gary Curran Fitness Guru

 Gold Card Fitness Building Your Dream Body.

Gary Curran, former Writer WorkOut UK Former Owner Of Six Gyms (1999-2008)

Answered 17th November, 2023

To gain muscle and shape, you need both Cardio and weight lifting.

As you up your calorie intake to feed the Hungary muscles, some fat will go to your waist, under chin, thighs etc, running on a treadmill or rowing after workout will keep this in check, but do not over do this, 10 to 12 min cardio is enough for a bodybuilder to stay chiseled.

Check out my Book: Muscle Techniques.The Power To Change Your Physique.

For more information about Home Workouts,Training Without Weights, Diet’s and Changing YOUR Physique…… Check out Gary’s book above.

Good Training


About Gary Curran 1372 Articles
Bodybuilding and Fitness Guru Former Owner Of 6 Gyms .. Writer On Fitness