Should I Have A Rest Day When Doing Lots Of Push-Ups And Pull-Ups Everyday?

By Gary Curran Fitness Guru

Gold Card Fitness Building Your Dream Body.

Answered 17thJune 2023 ·

 I’m doing a challenge to do 200 push-ups and 100 pull-ups everyday for 30 days, my friend says I need a rest day every other day.

It is true your body needs to rest between these exercises. However, if it is for just this challenge, you need to load your body with good energy food like Oats And Yogurt for breakfast for an energy punch. For lunch, Any lean meat Chicken, Turkey, fish with pasta or rice or boiled potatoes.

These meals will keep your muscles topped up with protein, and lift your energy levels during this exercise period if you eat takeaways or drink cola, beer or other junk foods your muscles will go stringy and tire easily. So If you want to sail through this challenge, Take at least one or two breaks to let your muscles rest and feed. And Feed Them well…. that way, on the day, you will be fighting fit, as they say. Good Luck!

Check out my Book: Muscle Techniques.The Power To Change Your Physique.

Good Training


About Gary Curran 1372 Articles
Bodybuilding and Fitness Guru Former Owner Of 6 Gyms .. Writer On Fitness