What Is The Point Of Having Leg Day?

Don’t You Exercise Legs Enough When You Walk?

 Gary Curran Fitness Guru www.goldcardfitness.com

Answered March 3, 2023 ·

The Legs are like any other muscle group. To attain magnificent well-formed legs they need to be worked hard.

Squats, Leg press, Leg extension, leg raise , leg curls.. They all have to be used to enable you to have magnificent muscular legs and a tight butt.

Leave the leg day out at your own peril. Great chest, Strong muscular arms. Wide shoulders, all leading down to skittle like legs, now think about that for a moment, imagine someone walking towards you on the footpath.

You are struck by the impressive shoulders, the deep chest, and muscular neck and arms, and then your eyes drift south to the skinny legs…….. Enough said.

Good Training.


About Gary Curran 1372 Articles
Bodybuilding and Fitness Guru Former Owner Of 6 Gyms .. Writer On Fitness