Why Is Everyone’s New Year’s Resolution To Go To The Gym?

By  Gary Curran Fitness Guru 

Gold Card Fitness Building Your Dream Body.

Gary Curran, former Writer WorkOut UK Former Owner Of Six Gyms.

Answered  2nd January  2024

Because of the 12 days of Christmas indulgence. Plus the TV is full of vacation adverts to beaches everywhere. Now you don’t want to walk along the beach with your flab hanging everywhere, do you.

Then there is the point that we have entered a new year.

So most people promise to themselves they will do something different this year. Top of the list is to start a new diet and fitness . This year I am getting into shape at last. I promise myself.

A lot actually do it, 50% or so drop out in first 3 weeks. Another 20% drop out 2 to 3 weeks later. The 30% who see it through usually stick with it for years to come.

Enjoying the benefits.

Check out my Book: Muscle Techniques.The Power To Change Your Physique.


For more information about Home Workouts,Training Without Weights, Diet’s and Changing YOUR Physique…… Check out Gary’s book above.

Good Training


Happy New Year!

About Gary Curran 1372 Articles
Bodybuilding and Fitness Guru Former Owner Of 6 Gyms .. Writer On Fitness