Why Is Stretching So Important To A Workout?

By Gary Curran Fitness Guru   www.goldcardfitness.com

Gold Card Fitness Building Your Dream Body.

Answered May 9th 2023

Very important to stretch or at least warm up before training, and stretch after training to loosen up all muscles. If you do not, your muscles can get tangled during workouts, this is very difficult to undo.

 After working out, you should stretch all muscles groups you just trained , so they return to original position, and then they grow normally when fed proteins.

If they are not stretched, and get tangled, and begin growing in this position, you could be in for a lot of pain and discomfort.

Check out my Book: Muscle Techniques.The Power To Change Your Physique.    


Good Training


About Gary Curran 1372 Articles
Bodybuilding and Fitness Guru Former Owner Of 6 Gyms .. Writer On Fitness