Baked Potato with Olives Garlic and Chili. By Edi

Hi Friends


Check out my Baked Potato, so quick and easy to make up, in a very short time, using a Microwave Oven.



Potatoes  (one large size per person).

1 x teaspoon Olive Oil.

1 x Garlic Clove peeled and chopped. (one clove for each potato).

4  Large Olives.   (sliced on top of potato).

1 x Chili Choped you can add if you wish.

Salt and Pepper.

Wash the potatoes well, using a fork jab all over the potato, before placing into the Microwave, this allows the steam to escape while cooking. Once ready remove from oven, let it cool before making a cut length ways down the potato to open it. Add some olive oil, chop the garlic, place inside, add some chopped Chili. slice the Olives place on top add salt and pepper, place back in the microwave cook for 1 minute, then serve while hot..

You could serve with any meat or salads.


Cooking Time for 1 large  potato in the Microwave  about 6  minutes. Depending on the size of the potato.

Prepare time 10 minutes    Cooking Time for one potato 6 minutes.